
Smaller Barns for Horses, Mini Horses or Llamas

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Smaller Barns for Horses, Mini Horses or Llamas

Thinking of 4-H projects? Do you wonder about possible smaller barns for horses? A custom pole barn kit would do for miniature horses or llamas, even full-size stallions. This project works well in the suburbs on the prominent 2- or 5-acre ranchettes.

If you build a backyard horse barn, think of the many practical lessons in store for your child. You can go for the stallion or palomino or Indian paintbrush. Teaching all ages of children to care for equine friends may spark a yearning for healthy activities when they are older. Some of them may want to participate in rodeos, dressage, parades, or trail riding – with you.
Smaller Barns for Horses

Fit All Needs into Smaller Barns for Horses

Well-planned pole barns can easily accommodate a tack room, stables, feed and hay storage, and an outdoor arena. Pitch the roof to add loft storage. Stretch the building into a garage stall to accommodate social gatherings. This is Colorado! You’ll never be alone if you join others who appreciate the little Equidae and Camelid species.

Tailor Your Barn for Miniature Horses

Miniature horses and llamas may be a better way to go, though. They are smaller and reduce the workload. These pleasant animals require less of everything–space to food and care. Smaller barns for smaller horses may fit better into the prevalent rural subdivisions we see in Douglas County, Colorado. And there’s lots to learn about these creatures. Let’s look at these lesser-known animals.Smaller Barns for Horses

Miniature Horses

Mini horses live an average 30 years. Plenty of people keep them as pets and companion animals and therapy animals. The more intelligent breeds often appear as guides for those with disabilities. Children may also ride miniature horses. On the other hand, the little creatures can muster the strength to pull a cart carrying an adult.

In Hannah Keyser’s piece entitled, “5 Things You’ve Always Wondered About Miniature Horses,” she describes them as tiny, adorable, and popular. Miniature horses of the Equus caballus family must measure only 34-38 inches at the shoulders. The height cutoff for a mini is thirty-eight inches for the American Miniature Horse Association (AMHA) and thirty-four inches for the American Miniature Horse Registry (AMHR).


Llamas hail from the rough and rocky mountain regions of South America, where they pack around cargo. Domesticated variations within the lama family offer favorable options for Colorado families, too. Strong and sure-footed, they can carry cargo up to a third of their weigh (250-400 pounds). Although many llama ranchers put them to work carrying heavy packs around their ranches, others rent them out to outdoor guide companies.

Llamas are good-natured and like children, people, and other llamas. They tend to be healthy animals and serve well in petting zoos and at parades. Llamas are nimble, agile, and intelligent. These qualities help them train to run obstacle courses or perform in competitions. Spectators enjoy watching the bushy tails and beautiful coats of white, beige, and brown.Smaller Barns for Horses

Llamas have sharp eyes and ears. Seasoned llama ranchers know to follow a llama’s long gaze to learn of dangers, such as coyotes and dogs lurking to prey on sheep.

Colorado Builders – Horse Barns

For information about customizing smaller barns for horses, mini horses, or llamas, contact Sapphire Construction, Inc. at (303) 619-7213. Our team custom designs each building using high-quality, engineer-tested materials from Lester Buildings.

Allen Randa - Sapphire Construction

About the Author:

Allen Randa is a second generation Master Carpenter and Owner of Sapphire Construction Inc. Allen personally manages each project from beginning to end. That includes the first meeting, the estimate, the contract and architectural designs.
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