
Wondering How to Maintain Your Equestrian Arena?

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Wondering How to Maintain Your Equestrian Arena?

You’ll extend the lifespan of your equestrian arena if you meticulously keep the building and equipment. Last week we talked about the equipment you could need. Today let us get down in the dirt. The main duties needed to support an equestrian arena include:

  1. Clearing droppings
  2. Even wear and tear
  3. Minimize turning out
  4. Leveling the surface
  5. Controlling dust

Clearing Droppings

Clearing droppings ranks as the most important janitorial job at a horse arena. To keep this under control, post signs at the entrances to remind equestrians of your priority.

While there are outdoor arenas that allow the trotting of droppings into the surface dirt, we can all agree that that is not what we want for our indoor arenas.

Leveling the Surface

Equestrian BuildingsYou’ll find out that leveling the surface of an arena requires the most time. However, this too depends on the type of surface you selected. The amount of time horses spend in the arena will also affect the maintenance. Multiply this by the number of horses.

To supply the best riding experience, the surface needs to be flat and level. Often, a farm with an arena can pull in a grader to get the job done quickly. You can also buy arena levelers. (Remember the size of the doors chosen for the arena need to accommodate these kinds of equipment.)

Most operators maintain small private arenas with a rake or a small chain harrow. Regardless of the size of the arena, every few years decide if your needs topping.

Controlling Dust

Certain types of surfaces send great volumes of small particles into the air. The humidity and weather outside also add another variable, beyond the type of surface.

To solve the dust problem, indoor arenas often use sprinkler systems. It will be easiest to add sprinklers during construction. Sprinkler systems have two jobs. One is to condition the surface and the second is to reduce dust. If you have a smaller arena, without an installed sprinkler system, then consider pulling in the hoses with regular sprinkler heads to moisten the surface. Outdoor arenas also take liberties with free-form irrigation systems.

Even Wear and TearEquestrian Buildings

Please pay attention to the distribution of wear and tear throughout the arena. To do this, move the activities around. For example, do not lunge in one place and create a circle. This aspect of maintenance reduces the time needed to fix up the worn spots not only on the surface but the nearby walls.

Minimize Turning Out Options

The surface of a riding arena does not accommodate playful horses on recess. Overall, avoid turning out the horses inside the arena. This will end the damages a two thousand pounds creature can inflict when they start rolling around or even digging. Older horses or injured horses may be less excitable.

Colorado Builders Specializing in Outbuildings

For information about Equestrian Buildings in Colorado, call Sapphire Construction, Inc. at (303) 619-7213. We custom design every building using high-quality, engineer-tested materials from Lester Buildings.

Allen Randa - Sapphire Construction

About the Author:

Allen Randa is a second generation Master Carpenter and Owner of Sapphire Construction Inc. Allen personally manages each project from beginning to end. That includes the first meeting, the estimate, the contract and architectural designs.
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